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News and blog

The fallacy behind the CIM Group’s “commitment” to ESG

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), is a framework that prioritizes the consideration of the ethical impacts of investments, company leadership decisions, and even environmental waste in regards to how an organization or company functions. Though there are currently…

Media coverage

American Prospect : Patient Zero

PESP healthcare director Eileen O’Grady was interviewed by the American Prospect for a recent story on Tom Scully, administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). American Prospect August 1, 2023:…


Private Profits, Public Risks

Investments by private equity firms in nearly 2,700 oil and gas wells on federal and tribal lands across the western United States could leave taxpayers with a cleanup bill of up to $380 million, according to a new report released…

News and blog

Private Equity Healthcare Acquisitions – June 2023

In light of the growing investor interest in healthcare and the risks associated with private equity ownership of healthcare companies, the Private Equity Stakeholder Project is tracking private equity-backed healthcare acquisitions. Below is a list of private equity healthcare…

News and blog

PE’s failed autism failed bets harm workers and consumers

In recent years autism services companies have been a particularly trendy target for private equity acquisitions, but sweeping closures and a large-scale bankruptcy at PE-owned autism services chains over the last month suggest that PE’s aggressive descent on the industry…

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