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2022 Monthly Acquisitions Blog Posts

2022 Monthly Acquisitions Blog Posts For more information about last year’s private equity acquisitions in healthcare, check out our 2022 monthly acquisitions blog posts: January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022…


Table example

Last Name First Name Email Due Last Date Sortless Web Site Khan Farhan farhan@test.com $50.00 20/07/2016 Lorem http://www.test.com Iqbal Kamran kamran.cheff@yahoo.com $50.00 20/07/2017 Ipsum http://www.kamrancheff.com Rana Usman usman@hotmail.com $100.00 20/07/2014 Dollar http://www.usmanrana.com Iqbal Hassan hassan@earthlink.net $50.00 20/07/2015 Sit http://www.hassaniqbal.com  …

News and blog

Tenants stage powerful action at CIM headquarters

Tenants from African Communities Together protested and spoke to the University of California Regents about their investment in the CIM Group: WATCH VIDEO OF THE ACTION. On the morning of January 17th, chants of  “C-I-M, SHAME ON…

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