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Uncovering KKR’s Environmental Responsibility Gap

Private equity behemoth KKR’s portfolio companies have committed numerous environmental violations and engaged in unethical business practices while contributing to the climate crisis, as KKR put money into fossil fuel projects that run decidedly counter to its preferred public image…

News and blog

Report outlines KKR’s harm to frontline communities

Report Outlines KKR’s Harm to Frontline Communities As it Continues to Center a Fossil Fuel Strategy Private equity behemoth KKR’s portfolio companies have committed numerous environmental violations and engaged in unethical business practices while contributing to the climate crisis, as…


Private Profits, Public Risks

Investments by private equity firms in nearly 2,700 oil and gas wells on federal and tribal lands across the western United States could leave taxpayers with a cleanup bill of up to $380 million, according to a new report released…

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