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Mother Jones: An Iowa Powerbroker Plans to Make
a Windfall From Piping Ethanol Emissions
In a special issue spotlighting the troubling behavior of the private equity industry, Mother Jones explored a private-equity financed plan to pipe carbon dioxide hundreds of miles across multiple states in a scheme allegedly designed to cut emissions…
Biden’s Climate Adviser Has Ties to Big Oil
The Nation reported on how White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi spent the Trump years at law firms that represented fossil fuel companies and private equity giants profiteering from the climate crisis. The Nation, May 17, 2022: Biden’s…
Divest Harvard Students: If Harvard Wants to Lead on Climate, It Must Drop David Rubenstein
Student organizers from Harvard published an Op-Ed in the Harvard Crimson calling for billionaire Carlyle co-founder David Rubenstein to “recuse or resign” from his seat on the Harvard Corporation. According to the Op-Ed, Rubenstein, who was appointed tothe…
Senators Investigating KKR’s Role in the Abuse and Neglect of People with Disabilities
Following a Buzzfeed investigation of abuse and neglect of people with disabilities in KKR’s BrightSpring Health Services, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, Bernie Sanders, and Patty Murray sent a five-page letter asking KKR to disclose any facilities that…
PESP Participates in National Juvenile Justice Network Workshop on Youth Behavioral Health Services
PESP Healthcare Research and Campaign Manager Eileen O’Grady participated in a workshop hosted by National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) and the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) to discuss the recent explosion of private equity investment in behavioral health.
Tenants and Homeowners Resist Private Equity Takeover of Single-Family Homes
Citing landlord abuses and property neglect, tenants and homeowners associations are leading the pushback against private equity’s increasing investments in single family rentals. State officials and the Biden administration are also increasing pressure against institutional investors to keep housing affordable,…
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Rio Grande LNG in Texas The Rio Grande LNG terminal poses significant risks for South Texas communities and investors across the country. Exporting LNG may not align with the 1.5 degree warming targets of the Paris Agreement.
Effects of private equity investments
The private equity industry has touted its contributions to the US economy by employing millions of workers. However, since private equity firms acquire companies with existing workers, they often do not create new jobs. Studies show that private equity takeovers…